
Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 12 Sum Up "Prayer For The Dying"

I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I sure am ready for some loose ends to be tied up in this week’s episode of The Vampire Diaries, which is why the mysterious opening scene, consisting of Caroline and the cancer patient she healed at Duke doesn’t bode well for me. In short, the guy shows up in Mystic Falls on Caroline’s front door step begging her to tell him what she’s done. And in true Caroline fashion, she phones the help of a friend (Stefan), who is able to solve the puzzle in seconds. “He’s a vampire,” he tells her…so what does this mean for Sherriff Forbes? In other news, the rekindled flame between Damon and Elena seems to still be blazing. The two lovebirds share a series of flirtatious moments and she eventually informs him he’ll have to start at the very beginning…aka – she wants to be full on courted. This should get fun to watch. Speaking of love being in the air, in the next scene, we’re taken to Liv’s bedroom where she and Tyler have collectively decided they won’t be leaving anytime soon…until Liv’s dad shows up, that is. He’s come to take the twins to dinner, and perhaps talk about this impending merge between Kai and Jo? I vote yes. Let’s get back to the Caroline saga –she and Stefan have enlisted the help of Jo to determine if there is anyway to save her mom from turning. (fyi – it’s not looking hopeful). Collin (Duke cancer guy) has officially died and come back as a vampire, meaning Sheriff Forbe’s days are numbered…but, of course, witch doctor Jo has an idea. She thinks if she completely transfuses Collin’s blood with human blood, it will somehow counteract the magic of Caroline’s forced dose of vampirism. In a matter of a few scenes later, we learn that won’t be the case. In short, and in the eloquent and always sensitive words of Damon…Caroline just killed her mom. Turns out this whole merger ordeal is going to have to happen sooner rather than later. Liv and Luke turn 22 in just two weeks, so unless they can convince their dad that Jo can beat Kai…he’s going to insist Liv and Luke go through with it. Translation Tyler loses Liv forever. And not to top off the continuous stream of bad news with more…well, bad news, but Caroline has officially lost all hope. In fact, when Stefan finally finds her, she’s in the process of planning her mom’s funeral by picking out flowers. She’s too ashamed to face her mom after what she’s done, but Stefan insists she has to go back to the hospital. “She doesn’t think there is anything to forgive,” Stefan whispers. “She just wants you to be with her. While Caroline heads back to her mother, Liv and Luke are failing miserably at convincing their father that they don’t need to merge over a nice dinner conversation. Luke refuses to kill his own sister, which you think a dad would understand…oddly enough, he doesn’t.

Oh, and I guess I forgot to mention that the gang has Kai drugged out in a state of comatose in order to give Jo time to grow stronger in her powers. This seems like a great plan before Damon takes matter into his own hands and transfers the zombie-like-state to Tyler…officially waking Kai up. But why you ask would Damon do such a thing? Aside from losing his mind, Damon thinks Kai can suck the magic out of Sheriff Forbes, effectively saving her from her vampire-induced fate. So what’s the tradeoff, you ask? If Kai saves her, he wants to merge his twin sister tonight. You know what that means…let the merging games begin.

Well, actually, before we do that there’s something else you should know. The twins have no idea what Damon’s done, and they have actually persuaded their father to allow Kai and Jo to merge instead of them…sound to good to be true? Yeah, that’s because it is.

Just as we feel the fatherly love, he quickly turns his back on his children. He knows Kai is loose and about to merge with Jo…meaning he attempts to force Liv and Luke into a merge…fortunately, Tyler breaks it up before Jo loses. And now that the blond twins know what’s going on, Luke’s got a plan. He’s going to merge with Kai. Basically, it’s about to go down.

And not to end this recap on a bad note, but it’s time I clue everyone in on something else. Despite the fact that Kai absorbed the magic from Sheriff Forbe’s body, her vampire-bloodless self is proving not strong enough to withstand the transition. Just as her body is about to turn lifeless, Elena and Damon enlist the help of a doctor to paddle her back to life. Unfortunately, it’s just too late…and Caroline isn’t even there to…

Plot twist. This last paragraph summary was all in Caroline’s dream. Sheriff Forbes is going to make it. Damon, for once, was right. Guess what that means? Elena is totally and completely in love with him.

Okay, so now for the real final scene of this week’s episode. Luke and Kai have officially gone through with the merge – resulting in both of them ending up on the ground…both appearing dead. Jo shows up hoping to stroke the life back into her little brother, but, sadly, it doesn’t work. And just like that we hear the words no one was wanting.

“I always win,” Kai quips.

Could this be real? Is Luke really gone and Kai really the leader of their coven? And what about Liv and Tyler, what will this mean for them?

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