
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pretty Little Liars Spoiler Season 3: Pretty Little Liars Season 3 episode 14 She's Better Now

Pretty little liars have the full blast in  the comeback this coming 2013.  It's becoming clearer and clearer to me that the goal of this show isn't so much to tell the story of girls caught in an elaborate bullying plot as it is to make benign artifacts of youth give you nightmares.  In the previous episode  of the series it is a big night for the liars in spending their halloween. "This is a Dark Ride" dispensed with the secrets, too, albeit in a much more straightforward kind of way. Like Garrett spilling his guts until he well, spilled his guts. The big mystery of the episode set up in the promos, that someone would die, was pretty much sealed when Garrett word-vomited everything he knew and uttered the line, "I'm going to disappear and I'm never coming back." It was like he'd never watched this show. You don't say you're going to disappear forever. That means you're getting cut.

Garrett didn't kill Allison; he pretended to kill her so the blind girl would think she was dead. We also learned that Allison and Byron talk to each other like peers or adversaries, meaning that Byron needs to stop dabbling with conniving blonde girls not to assume that Byron and Allison were. Why Allison wanted to fake her death just for Jenna is intriguing and, somehow, that explanation was left out of the word vomit. You'd think Spencer would've been curious, but she was distracted. I mean, without the Dollface mask, his outfit did kind of make him look like an adorable little teddy bear.

Watch Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episode 14 online “ She’s Better Now “Radley Sanitarium has given Mona a clean bill of health and she is headed back to the halls of Rosewood High, much to the Liars’ dismay. With their former tormentor now back in their everyday life, Aria, Emily, Hanna and Spencer take very different views of the "new" Mona. She made their lives a living hell… is she really cured?

 Find out more what is happening to the next episode of the series a winter come back this coming January 8. Here is the sneak peak for the next weeks episode.


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