
Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Originals Season 2 Episode 14 Recap

A thrilling ending in the previous episode of the originals season 2 but this episode will turns the table of the storyline of the series. Cami is more than a little freaked out, what with a house just exploding in front of her, but Elijah finds her and keeps her and little Hope moving toward safety.

Hayley is packing to run, what with Hope’s safe house exploding and all, but Klaus shows up just in time to remind her that she is soon to be queen to an army that will no longer be loyal to Finn.

Freya visits the morgue to see Finn’s charred remains. More than a little disturbing if you ask us. He was wearing Freya’s charm when he died, and she begins a spell and sprinkles a little salt. While Freya works her magic, Kol and Davina perform the spell to create the anti-Klaus dagger. When the spell completes, Davina kisses him, but before they can have more than a quick moment, Kol begins bleeding from his nose. At that exact moment, Finn awakens in the body bag in the morgue.

Kol plays off the blood dripping from his nose to Davina, but the second she leaves the room, he calls Becs to ask for help.

Rebekah does her sisterly duty and brings Hayley a beautiful white gown to wear that night. Becs makes sure she knows that no matter who she marries, Hayley will always be a Mikaelson.

Josh is eager to beg for forgiveness after attacking Aiden while under Finn’s spell, but before he can be relieved that Aiden isn’t holding it against him, he finds out that Aiden is worried that Josh will have a huge target on his back if they continue to date when the wolves have the power to shift at will. Josh is more than a little miffed at being ‘protected’ by Aiden, and stomps off in quite the snit.

Cami, Elijah, and Baby Hope show up, and Hayley rushes to her. Hayley introduces the baby to Jackson, who seems enchanted by the youngster while Elijah watches jealously from the wings.

Klaus makes it clear to Elijah that he wants Hayley to go through with this wedding. He reminds him that they all must do their part, and for Elijah, that means staying out of it.

Elijah wants to tell Hayley how he feels, but she begs him not to. He never could vocalize his feelings before, and she understands, but wants it to stay that way.

Aiden and Jackson have an adorable, manly moment where Aiden addresses his worries about the wolf/vamp tension post-ceremony. Aiden quickly bows out when Hayley arrives to say hi to her betrothed. Jackson presents her with a special necklace, as a representation of something entirely hers being a part of the day.

Aiden arrives and sits next to Josh and our hearts do an adorable tumble. Hayley and Jackson walk into the hall and up the stairs to where the elder is awaiting them. At the top of the stairs, they are equal to the balcony across the way, where Klaus and Elijah are standing and watching the proceedings. The elder binds their hands together, and they light a candle. With a kiss, the bond is official, and the ritual is complete as the eyes of every wolf present flash white before settling back to their normal color.

Klaus runs out with a gleeful expression on his face, now that they ceremony is complete. He intends to kill Jackson that very night, and he believes that Elijah wants him dead even more. It wouldn’t be a big event if Klaus didn’t have some sort of death planned, that’s for sure.

Davina tells Josh that she wishes Kol were there, and seconds later sees him lurking in an alley. He doesn’t look great, a bit pale and shaking like a leaf, but he finally tells her what happened to him.

Hayley and Jackson are dancing and enjoying the festivities when Klaus arrives with Hope in tow. He announces her lineage and presence to the pack, and implores them to care for her as one of their own. He also invites Jackson and Hayley to live with the other Mikaelsons in the compound and welcomes Jackson to the family with a toast. Elijah is more than a little skeptical, and we sure as hell don’t blame him. Davina has joined Rebekah and Kol to help find a cure for the hex, but despite their frantic searching, he knows it’s pretty hopeless. He asks Rebekah to give him and Davina some time alone.

Hayley searches out Elijah to thank him for being present for the ceremony. He tells her that he plans to move out with Marcel and help him with the vampires. Hayley doesn’t want him to leave, but it seems that it might be best for all parties involved.

Rebekah arrives and lets Klaus know that Kol will not last the night. She couldn’t find anything to help him, and the three Original siblings leave to be with him in his final moments. We find Kol dancing with Davina in the cemetery, crying. He truly cares for her, and asks her to leave him alone for his final moments. Moments after he asks her, Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah arrive to be there for him.

Hayley finds Jackson on a balcony and they have a really beautiful moment in which Hayley tells Jackson that she has always felt safe with him. Since the moment he appeared out of the woods, she has known that he was trustworthy. She wants him to know that she didn’t marry him just for the pack, but that she did it for herself too. They kiss. We swoon a little.

While Kol suffers, each of the Mikaelsons gives him strength with their presence. He is surrounded by family and Davina as he exits this world. Rebekah promises him in his last moments that she will consecrate his body, and that before she leaves the witch body she is currently inhabiting, she will find a way to bring him back to them. The episode ends with Freya and Finn in the morgue after she has just used her magic to bring him back from death. So. Not. Fair.


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