
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Rumple and Hades in A Deal at Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 14

In the next episode of Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 14 still continues in the Underworld and one mission is to saved Hook. However, a deal between two dark ones”may end up with beloved characters trapped in hell namely Hades ans Rumple.

The upcoming episode 14 of Once Upon A Time Season 5 titled “Devil’s Due” will feature a meeting between Hades and Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold shown in the promo clip starts off with Rumple holding a golden ball in his hands above a boiling cauldron. “Show me who I seek,” Rumple stated. The next scenes then showed him in a meeting with the Lord of the Underworld.

It appears that Hades is intent in making a deal with Rumple/Gold. The voice over in the clip teased of a “match made in heaven” between the “darkest of dark ones” and the god of death. It is still unclear what kind of arrangement Rumple made with Hades.

However, the voice over in the trailer warned that “when this bargain goes to hell, everyone pays the price.” Hades even told Hook in the trailer video that he plans to collect his friends’ souls, as payment for each soul they set free.

Other ominous scenes revealed in the promo clip also showed an injured Hook chained in a contraption and suspended above a pit that appears to contain the souls of the Underworld. In episode 13 of the series’ Season 5, Mary Margaret and Hercules were successful in defeating the three-headed Cerberus in their quest to rescue Hook.

In the upcoming episode, Emma will be shocked to find a bloodied Hook. She rushes off to try and save him, while the contraption that held Hook lowers him into the hole. Other spoiler news indicates that Belle will come to the realization that Rumple made an unselfish decision and even “sacrificed himself for her. Actor Carlyle who portrays the role Rumplestiltskin shared that his character could have opted to use a magical potion for himself, but he did not and chose to give it to Belle instead.

“But unfortunately just at the point she’s come back, she’s come back to the Dark One. How she’s going to react when she finds that out again, that Rumple-Belle relationship is thrown into chaos and influx,” Carlyle added. Once Upon A Time Season 5, episode 14 will air on Sunday, March 20 on ABC


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