
Friday, April 29, 2016

Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 20 Rumple vs Hades Who will Die

The Spoiler of Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 20 left the viewers with a number of questions popping in their curious minds. Up until now, season 5 of the popular ABC fairy-tale drama has been doing a wonderful job of keeping the audience glued to the TV screen.

Now the fans can hold their breath as it’s going to be a deadly encounter between The Dark One and the God of the Dead. At the end of Once Upon a Time’s last episode, Rumpelstiltskin joined the help of his dear old dad, Peter Pan, to with nap Zelena just around the time when she was about to head for a grand date with the underworld overlord, Hades.

Then Hades is seen turning to the heroes asking for help to get Zelena back and rescue her from Rumplestiltskin and Peter Pan. In bargain, he offered to take all their names off their tombstones. While Hook is still not able to leave, he and Emma have to go into the depths of the Underworld.

When Pan holds a magic-blocked Zelena hostage in Granny’s “Closed Until Further Notice” Dine, Rumple is seen growling to Hades, saying “We wouldn’t be here if you had ripped up that contract when I asked you to.”

Next, Rumple offers his deal: “Rip up that contract and then you get the witch,” he proposes with a wicked grin. Looks like finally, Rumple has the right leverage he requires to protect his and Belle’s unborn child from Hades’ contractual rule. However, it does raise a question whether everything falls as per the plan? Pretty doubtful.

Who is going to lose in this encounter? Is Rumple going to lose or Hades will die? To experience what really happens follow the Episode 20 “Firebird” airing on May 1 at 8/7c ABC Network.


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